There are several pieces of gear that are needed when you take your gun out for target practice. If you go to an indoor range, you can purchase any item you may have forgotten, running up a hefty tab. More gear is needed if you go to an outdoor range, and many don’t carry supplies, so if you forget something, you are out of luck. Since I rotate the guns, I take target shooting, and I go to indoor ranges sometimes, and outdoor ranges others, the items in my firearm kit are always changing. The two lists below (Firearm Kit Checklist and Range Bag Contents) were created to help me pack more quickly and to make sure I don’t forget essential items, whether I use a handgun, rifle, or shotgun. The Firearm Kit Checklist can also provide the basics for a Firearm Bug Out Bag. You’ll find pictures of the firearm kit’s contents below the checklists and Amazon links to the products.
Firearm Kit Checklist
- carrying case
- firearm
- extra magazines
- ammo
- holster
- ear protection
- eye protection
- multi-tool, flat-head screwdriver, or knife
- duct tape
- cleaning kit
- first aid kit
Range Bag Contents
- targets
- permanent markers
- note pad
- staple gun & staples
- hammer & nails
- measuring tape
- whistle
- lead wipes
Firearm Kit Content and Pictures
Carrying Cases
I prefer carrying cases that conceal the guns entirely.
UTG Combat Operation 38″ RC Series Gun Case
Re-purposed tool bag – much cheaper than a Range Bag and not easily identified as a gun bag.
Safety glasses, safety ear muffs, foam ear plugs, Surefire Sonic Ear Plugs
Knife, multi tool, sharpening stone, duct tape, screw driver
Measuring tape, hammer, nails, whistle, staples, staple gun, permanent marker, all weather notebook
Cleaning Kit
Otis Mossy Oak Tactical Cleaning System and Shotgun Bore Cleaner
First Aid Kit
First Aid Kit + SWAT-T Tourniquet, blood clotting pad, Aleve, lip balm, Antibiotic Band-Aids
Silhouette target, Glowshot Splatter Targets, Healing Target, Big Gong Show
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