Finding creative ways to save money is not only fun, but it can help you move towards relying more on yourself and less on government services, especially in times of disaster. In the event of a power outage, it’s important to have off-grid lighting options available. I’m constantly looking for projects that teach self-sufficiency, frugal spending, and/or turning trash into something useful.
Below are three ideas for frugal light preps: Bargain Hunting, UpCycle, and a DIY Project.
Frugal Lighting Preps
UpCycle – Use Trash to Make Something Useful
Instead of throwing away broken over-used crayons, used birthday candles, and empty glass containers like spice bottles, upcycle them into a candle. The best part about this project is that it did not cost a penny! I upcycled a miniature ketchup bottle, about 12 full crayons, and two used birthday candles. You will also need a small bowl, a large bowl, some water, two kabob sticks, and a box knife. Be warned that this can be a messy project. Also, be careful about handling hot wax.
Step 1 – Cut the paper off the crayons
Step 2 – Fill the large bowl up with about 1 inch of water, then place the smaller bowl in the water. The water should not get into the smaller bowl
Step 3 – Break crayons into small pieces and place them in the small dry bowl
Step 4 – Microwave the crayons for 3 to 4 minutes or until they are completely melted
Step 5 – Pour the melted wax into an empty glass spice bottle (or whatever container you’ve chosen)
Step 6 – Place the kabob sticks in the center of the wax after the wax starts to harden (this step is to leave a hole for the birthday candles to be placed in)
Step 7 – Remove the kabob sticks after the wax hardens
Step 8 – Place the birthday candle(s) in the hole the kabob sticks left
Step 9 – Lite the birthday candle. The wax will melt, filling in any gaps
Do It Yourself Project
Using a landscape solar charger is an affordable solution to expensive battery chargers. I used a Solar Landscaping Light that was purchased for a couple of bucks (check to make sure it uses a AA battery) and a Mini Cree LED Flashlight. I place the Solar Landscaping Light in direct sunlight and let the sun charge the battery throughout the day. Then whenever I need the battery, I remove it from the landscaping light and place it in the flashlight. I’ve added several Solar Landscaping Lights and a pack of rechargeable batteries to my emergency supplies.
Bargain Hunting
The first step to bargain hunting is to look through the junk drawers or anywhere in your home where stuff tends to get stashed. The MagLite shown in the picture was found in my garage. It was a wedding present that I had forgotten about. Second, do some coupon hunting. I was able to pick up the two small flashlights and the headlamp pictured above for free by using coupons from a local hardware store (Harbor Freight). Third, set aside some time to do some garage sale shopping. That’s where I found one pillar candle for $1. The other candle I found at a thrift store also for only $1. So the total for everything you see in the picture above is $2.
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Next example of frugal prepping…
I like the idea that you offer ways to procure items cheaply or for free. You have lots of great suggestions!
It’s fun to have my efforts appreciated. Thank you!