Book Review: The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving The Economic Collapse
Summary: Have you ever wondered what happens to a country after an economic collapse? Fernando Aguirre illuminates the effects an economic collapse had on his country. The book “Surviving The Economic Collapse” is an autobiography/survival manual of Fernando’s experience living through the economic collapse of Argentina in 2001. There are shocking stories that illustrate the struggles that the Argentinians faced, and there are helpful suggestions about how we can best prepare if an economic collapse hits our country.
Survival Theme: How to survive food shortages, banks closing, extreme crime escalations, power shortages, and more.
Preppers Survive ideas after reading this book: Stock up on antibiotics, determine what personal defense options are best for me (pepper spray, conceal carry permit, self-defense training).
Eye Openers:
– The author explained details about the bartering system and things he would have done differently to prepare for a collapse of this magnitude. In particular, he would stockpile silver wedding bands; it is a desirable form of currency that would not potentially make you a target (a wad of cash or even a collection of silver coins might attract unsavory characters) because most people would assume it was your wedding band and that you do not have others floating around the house.
– The author, Fernando, also detailed the events leading up to the collapse. Fernando’s mother worked for the government and heard whispers that there could be trouble ahead, so they decided to withdraw money in the event that the rumors were true. Even before the collapse was public knowledge, the banks were limiting withdrawals and refusing to allow people to close and cash out their accounts!
– Details on the availability, flavor, and possibility of disease from eating “urban wildlife” were shocking! Recommend eatable urban wildlife include: ducks & cats. Not recommended included dogs, pigeons, rats, & mice!
Genre: Emergency Preparedness, Survival Skills, Survival Manual, Partial History
Pages: 256
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