There are many items that have multiple purposes if we take a moment to get creative and think outside the box. Have you ever heard the term, “necessity breeds creativity”? When you’re in a bind and you have to figure something out with the items at your disposal, you make something work. In a sense, you become MacGyver.
As preppers though, we have the ability to figure out what is going to work out best as a multi-use item and make sure we keep it in our preps.
These are all lightweight, small and can even be bought at dollar stores, so there’s no reason you can’t easily stock up on these items.
Here are my top 3 multi-use items that I keep a bulk supply of in my preps:
- Cotton Swabs (Q-Tips) –
-Create a fire starter with the cotton or use it as a match
-Clean your tool/knife/firearm
-Apply ointment
-Make-shift paintbrush for kids
-Use the cotton ends as a make-shift toothbrush
-Keep those ears clean
- Gum –
-Fish bait (fruity flavor works best)
-Temporary fix for shoes, leaks, etc.
-Suppresses appetite
-Improve morale, mental clarity, and boredom
-Helps to clean your teeth
-Some gum wrappers will start a fire with a battery, but not all, make sure to test your gum wrappers first
- Floss –
-Keep your teeth clean
-String, braid it together to make it stronger; make sure to get the wax kind so it sticks easier to itself
-Shape floss around twigs to make toys for children
-Use as a thread to patch clothes
-Temporary shoelaces
-Fishing line
These are just some starter ideas, the possibilities are endless when you really put your mind to it.
What are some other multi-use items that you make sure to keep in your preps?
This is a guest post written by Morgan from Rogue Preparedness. You can check out her prepper interview here.
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Stick a cotton Q-tip in a small jar of petroleum jelly. Use your finger to make sure the cotton has Vaseline on it. Light it to make a lamp.
2) UNWAXED dental floss can be used in an emergency as suture. Have on hand some 1/2 and 3/8 carpet needles, needle nosed pliers or hemostats/ needle holders.