Having a gun can give you physical protection or mental assurance in the event of a security emergence so it’s important to know gun types for survival. Today, many people choose to arm themselves properly for the protection of their families and property. Taking the responsibility to arm yourself can allow you to navigate your day with peace of mind. However, with all the different models and makes of guns, it can be challenging to choose the best for your needs and situation, especially if you are new to firearms.
It’s worth noting that no-one-gun-fits all users, and the type of piece you choose will depend on your particular survival scenario. You may need a gun for home defense, target shooting, property defense, pest control, or hunting. That said, here are some of the top gun types that may interest you.
7 Gun Types for Survival
Mossberg 500 Field
Mossberg 500 is one of the most popular and versatile firearms, which can handle almost any situation with the right ammunition. The shotgun allows you to perform various functions, including changing barrels and swapping munitions whenever you wish.
For small games, the security model features a 28-inch barrel that works with interchangeable chokes. Mossberg 500 Field is designed for hunting and comes with a top-mounted safety feature that allows for great control. Its twin action bars also help prevent forend twist from enhancing smooth operation.
.22 Pistols
Pistols are a great choice for survival handguns and excellent for personal defense. They can also work well to keep varmints away from the garden, orchard, coup, and carry a lot of ammunition. These pistols are also commonly used in cheap shooting practices. Notably, the .22 pistols are available in the revolver format and the semi-automatic model.
You can also choose the old target design Ruger Mark, old Taurus revolver, or other models. Most .22 pistols come with target sights, five and a half-inch barrels, and work wonderfully on small games at dramatic ranges. When it comes to .22 pistols, accuracy matters, plus good sites and target barrels are a must.
Most home invasions and break-ins share almost the same characteristics, including the fact that there is more than one intruder. When you have multiple intruders with ill intentions of breaking into your property or home, you’ll need a semi-automatic rifle and not just a shotgun. This is because shotguns have an incredibly low capacity for such situations. Pistols, on the other hand, maybe overpowered if the invaders are armed with multiple shotguns. Fortunately, a semi-automatic rifle provides a higher capacity, more velocity, and more extended range than a handgun.
Rugger 10/22 Riffle
The Rugger 10/22 is the real deal for survivalism. This gun is an excellent choice for hunting gophers, squirrels, and troublesome cats. It is relatively quiet, reliable, and effective. Furthermore, the Rugger 10/22 is a perfect choice for both kids and adults.
Remington 870
Remington 870 is a versatile shotgun that can be used for various reasons, including survival, hunting, and self-defense. The Express Synthetic Field and home version come with a rugged synthetic stock and incorporates a 26-inch Remchoke barrel with an 18.5-inch cylinder barrel. With the barrels and other great features, you can do just anything you wish with your Remington 870.
Glock 17/19
Any make and model of the 9mm duty pistol can be a perfect choice for self and home defense. It has some of the most outstanding features: the ability to carry massive rounds, cheap to train, moderate recoil, and more. Apart from Glock, there are other quality models under this category that can serve you well, too, including Beretta, Ruger, Taurus, Walther, Kahr, HK, and Smith & Wesson. Many people prefer Glock 17/19 for good reasons; they are practical, simple to control, and easy to train.
Marlin 1895 SBL – .45-70 Government
The .45-70 Government is another excellent survival gun with great features. Factory loads often come in three power levels. The first one being the deer and anti-personnel munitions located on the light hand, loads suitable for moose and elk in the middle, and loads fit for anything walking at the top end. You can combine the gun’s versatility with a reliable lever gun paired with ghost-ring features that will accept a traditional scope, reflex sight, and a scout scope. The .45-70 Government also offers you the right combination to handle any task.
Related Article: Gun Bug Out Bag
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I know there is a well documented rush in the US to get armed. Something I do understand. Yet, there is a downside to it. It’s not what steel you pick, magazine capacity is what is important, or what load you use.
It’s the actual act of using it and the ‘sometimes’ consequences of doing so.
I say that as there is little more dangerous than an ‘inexperienced in combat’ person behind a trigger who has done a short course to allow that person to carry a handgun.
To deploy a weapon on the streets, even in the defense of others, is not just a question of what steel you carry, it’s what scenario you find yourself in and the heady knowledge that if you miss, or hit a bad guy and the bullet goes though. What damage you could do.
Sometimes the knowledge that you wounded or killed an innocent instead of the guilty will sit VERY HEAVY with the person behind the trigger.
There is an old adage there. It goes. “No good deed ever goes unpunished”
The consequences of a civilian taking life or simply getting it wrong can be life changing, let alone expensive.
A short browse through the web will tell many a tale of the pain and cost, (be that health, money, reputation, family, job, and sometimes freedom) that good people can experience when trying to help.
My experience to make such a statement?
Ex-Mil, ex-pmc, with a few notches on my stocks.
I agree with most of what you said. What i take exception to is that you said
Sometimes the knowledge that you wounded or killed an innocent instead of the guilty will sit VERY HEAVY with the person behind the trigger.
Unless there is something seriously wrong with a person taking a human life will always weigh heavy on your conscious weather it was a good shoot or not.
It is vitally important that new gun owners get professional training ASAP. Attending a concealed carry class is NOT training. More than just marksmanship, training will inform you when you should use deadly force, and more importantly when you should not. Become familiar with the local and state laws on use of force and join one of the various legal groups that specialize in self defense cases, like USCCA. There are no magic guns or magic bullets that will stop someone immediately. It’s not like in the movies.
R. Lee, retired homicide detective.