I live in an area where long snowy winters encroach on all the other seasons of the year so finding ways to stay warm is a constant challenge, especially in a power outage. Heat sources aren’t cheap which leads to creative alternatives like blankets. Blankets not only provide warm but they can also provide comfort, a feeling of safety, and a connection to family.
It can be difficult to find frugal means to acquire blankets. Thrift stores usually save the blankets for families in need and it can be particularly hard to find good deals on blankets in Fall or Winter. Below are three frugal ideas to help keep you warm this winter: UpCycle, DIY Project, and Bargain Hunting.
UpCycle Old Sweaters & Jeans into Quilts
I have been blessed with two amazing mothers! One year for Christmas my mother made me a quilt out of old family sweatshirts. It is the heaviest, bulkiest, warmest, and most treasured blanket I own. My mother-in-law made a jean quilt, out of old family jeans, as a wedding gift. She will swear by jean blankets being the only cover that can provide a warm, good night sleep when camping. When I go on road trips I always take this blanket. These quilts can be made for free by using the batting & backing of an old blanket that you don’t mind taking apart and saving old sweaters or jeans. Note: Yard sales are a great way to pick up fabric cheap! How-To quilts articles: Mother Earth Living and Pinterest.
Bargain Hunting
Wool blankets are well known among Preppers for their warmth (even when wet) and practical when packing for a bug out scenario, however, they can be very pricey. For 75% wool or higher, wool blankets can range from $25-$150. There are a couple of factors to keep in mind when purchasing a wool blanket: the manufacturer (see ranking chart here) the percentage of the blend (the higher the better), the stiffness (get something you can be comfortable with), and your allergies (many people are allergic to wool). With some brands of wool, my skin will get red and start to swell. Test the wool against your skin within the time frame of the stores return policy. I found a good deal on 85% wool military blanket at an Army Surplus store. I went back a week later to get more and they were completely sold out for months!
Check army surplus stores, yard sales, Ebay, and Harbor Freight for the best deals.
DIY Project – Secret Message Blanket (No Sewing!)
Believe it or not, Harriet Tubman inspired this DIY project. During the underground railroad movement, supporters would make quilts that had hidden messages, marking locations that would safely hide slaves. I thought it might be fun to hide a secret message inside a Tie Blanket for a child. This project was free since I had all the materials and it was super easy to make. If you need to purchase the blankets the cost is around $10 for two polyester blankets at Ikea or Walmart. I used a can of left-over exterior waterproof white paint for the handprints of my husband and I. We mixed blue watercolor in with the white paint for the baby handprint. I used a fabric black permanent marker to write the secret message inside the blanket. Lastly, I cut and tied the edges to enclose the message. For step by step instructions on how to make a Tie Blanket click here. The could be added to your child’s bug out bag (72 hour kit) and if crisis strikes your child will not only have a comfort blanket but it can help pass the time (stuck at a shelter) while the message is being uncovered and read.
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Originally Published on Oct 25, 2014.
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