Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and just about anything else mother nature can throw at you requires a good emergency plan to be in place. In fact, it requires a preparedness kit that is full of all the necessities needed to take on any emergency. While the old standby items […]
I have a couple of portable camping stoves but did not have a stove in my bug out bag. There are several reasons for this: portable stoves are usually bulky, they weigh more than is practical to carry long distances, I typically don’t feel comfortable carrying a combustible […]
I live in an area where long snowy winters encroach on all the other seasons of the year so finding ways to stay warm is a constant challenge, especially in a power outage. Heat sources aren’t cheap which leads to creative alternatives like blankets. Blankets not only provide […]
Growing up in California power outages and rolling blackouts were common, especially during the summer. This may be one of the reasons I’m a collector of emergency lighting. My collection varies widely mostly focused on off-grid lighting. However, my collection of lighting was lacking power failure options so I […]
Did you know you could recharge batteries without electricity? That’s right, no electricity needed, a completely off-grid battery charger. This is a cool product! A fellow reader of this blog recommended I look into a prepper product that recharge batteries using salt-water created by Greenivative. The company agreed to let […]
Light plays an important role on our emotional well being. When there is no light our minds can get overly active and in a crisis situation, darkness can feed our fears. Lights allow us to prepare meals, read, work, and feel safe when the sun goes down. Some […]
Building a fire may look easy but for most people, it takes some practice. The quickest way to start a fire is a fire starter! Fire starters are designed to start quickly, burn hot, and last for a couple of minutes. This allows tree branches that are placed over […]
I’ve noticed that on several Prepper discussion boards, people are looking for an extensive prepper supplies checklist, a way to organize their preps, wishlist, and survival goals. If you are one of the many looking for a way to organize your preps, then I hope this article and […]
MPOWERD has an Eco-friendly, off-grid portable light called the Luci Lantern. The Luci Light is simple to operate because it was designed well. On one end are the solar panels and the on/off button. On the other end is the mouthpiece to inflate it. There is also a […]
Whether you are new to the camping scene or bugging out from a natural disaster and just don’t know any better, a $30 sleeping bag will NOT get you comfortable through the night! Many of us are used to 7o+ degree homes with cozy beds and layers of […]