Hygiene supplies are an essential part of good health and comfortable living. However, hygienic care is often the most overlooked prep. Many may remember getting extra rolls of toilet paper and a few tubes of toothpaste, but what else should you include in your hygiene preps? Below are three different types of DIY Hygiene Kits and a checklist of ideas on what hygienic items to stock up on.
Humanitarian Hygiene Kit
Hygiene kits are such a necessary need that thousands are being shipped to Syrian refugees from many charitable organizations such as Giving Children Hope, Mennonite Central, and Heart to Heart. Each humanitarian hygiene kit is a little different, but they all have a similar list:
toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, soap, nail clippers, comb
This list is pretty basic, which is worth considering when you are thinking about what you may want in your DIY hygiene kit. Keeping to the bare essentials can limit the weight and bulk, allowing extra room for other important items in a bug out bag like food, water, and other essential items. We can learn a lot as we pay attention to the plight of the Syrian refugees.
Hygiene preps can vary widely based on what you are prepping for. For my bug out bag, I want the basics that will get me by for several days or weeks in any emergency situation. My mindset for my home emergency supplies is to gather 3 to 6 months’ worth of supplies in case retail shopping is no longer an option and in the event of a long-term power outage.
Below is a list of the hygiene items I keep in my bug out bag, and further down the page is a list of my home hygiene preps to help provide you with ideas to add to your emergency preparedness supplies.
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DIY Hygiene Kits
- Microfiber Towel 24×48
- Toilet Paper
- Hand Sanitizer
- Comb
- Q-tips
- Wet Ones
- Microfiber Washcloth
- Pocket Soap Leafs- Brand: Sea to Summit Trek (removes grease, sap, soot & dirt)
- Nail Clippers
- Chap-stick
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Hair ties
- Mirror
- Carrying case (came with the microfiber towel)
DIY Hygiene Kit dimensions:7″ x 10″ and weighs 1.1 lbs
Extra items for the ladies:
16. Sanitary Pads
17. Disposible Female Urinal ( See video here)
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Home Hygiene Preps
- Baby Wipes
- Barber Comb & Scissors
- Chap-stick
- Cotton Swabs
- Dental Kit
- Deodorant
- Garbage Bags
- Hair Brush, Comb & Hair-ties
- Hair Shampoo & Conditioner
- Hand Sanitizer
- Lime Oil (removes grease, sap & soot)
- Lotion
- Nail Clippers
- Off-grid Toilet
- Sanitary Pads (disposible & reuseable)
- Soap – Bar Soap / Body Wash
- Soap – Antibacterial Hand Soap
- Soap – Laundry Detergent
- Straight Razor & Sharpener
- Toilet Paper
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Tweezers
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Printable Hygiene Preps List
There are so many ways we can learn from each other. One way is by serving those in need. As you consider the items you want in an emergency, please remember those currently living in great need. We all have a unique power within us that we can contribute to this world, whether it be our time, resources, talents, or voice. Use that unique power to expand generosity, kindness, and hope in this world.
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For the feminine hygiene products, have you considered looking into menstrual cups? They are very safe, so long as they are cleaned with potable water. It makes it convenient for camping, field work, etc.
If they work for you that is great! I have considered them but for a few reasons have ruled it out. (1) They don’t work well for women that have heavy blood flow. (2) In emergency situations or camping water can be a limited resource and disposable pads take less water. (3) You have to be very careful with cleanliness when inserting, cleaning, and removing it to not give yourself an infection. (4) I find them to be messy.
I have extremely heavy periods and the diva cup can hold 3 super tampons worth o flow, be used for 12 hours, are reusable, and don’t grow bacteria that cause odor and toxic shock. It’s is the only thing I use and it has never leaked.
Here another great article to help with hygiene preparedness: 5 Ways To Make Toothpaste At Home – http://www.survivopedia.com/5waystodiytoothpaste/#
This is a great article about the hygiene items you should include in your preps.
Sanitary pads are good for the First Aid kit too as they can be used as clean, dressings for wounds and absorb blood.