Winter blues melt away with the smell of fresh rosemary and lavender. Do you believe that houseplants can improve your health? I came across an interesting infographic that claims just that. Adding the right plants to your home can reduce stress, improve mental function, and promote energy.
To celebrate warmer weather and sunny days, I went to my locate nursery to enjoy the smell and beauty of all the flowers, herbs, and garden plants. Rosemary, lavender, and aloe vera are all listed in the infographic below as plants that improve health, that was enough for me to pick up these plants and bring more plant life into my home. The list below has rosemary marked as an outdoor plant but it smells so good, I’m going to try and keep it alive indoors. Having these plants in my home has already improved my mood so any potential health benefits are just an added bonus!
Infographic via Flymo
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