How to Pick the Best Bushcraft Knife for Your Needs

How to Pick the Best Bushcraft Knife

If you can find a good bushcraft knife, then your outdoor survival becomes a little easier. The best bushcraft knifes can perform several functions. Bushcraft basically means the skills needed to live in the bush (outdoors or woods). The knives are built for hard use and must be able to last through the usage. If you enjoy spending time outdoors in the woods then you need to have a handy tool to survive the adventure. One of the best tools can be a good knife. Here are several tips to help you learn how to pick the best bushcraft knife.

 How to Pick the Best Bushcraft Knife

If you are in the outdoors and you need to survive, then you need to make sure that you have the right kind of knife. Stores around the world have a huge range and varieties to offer. You need to decide which knife is best for you. Here are the facets that need to be considered for you to find the right knife:



In the woods, you need a companion that can not only cut fruits, but can also do other impactful tasks like splitting wood. So, you will need a blade that is fixed and quite sharp which has different applications and has a superior grip.



Blade Design:

The knife should have long and flat cutting edge, which turns up to meet a tip. Ensure that the blade is as thick as possible and very strong to get through the task. The tip of this kind of knife is mistreated the most so it should be strong as well as functional.


Blade Size:

It might seem that a huge blade can be great for the outdoors. This is true, but in the form of an axe and machete that are made to chop trees and clear bushes. This kind of knife is not meant for these jobs, but a knife that is too small can be disadvantageous.

So, it is recommended to use a knife with a blade that has a size ranging from 8 to 15 cm.


Blade Grind:

The blade grind should always be strong and versatile at the same time. If the grind creates the cutting edge too thin, then the strength of the blade is reduced significantly. You can go for convex grind, Scandi grind, flat grind and chisel grind while the hollow grind must always be avoided.

While choosing the grind, make sure that you know which blade is easier to sharpen. If the knife is used constantly so a blade that is easy to sharpen would be better in the wilderness.

Convex Grind

Scandi Grind Blade

Flat Grind Blade

Chisel Grind Blade

Hollow Grind Blade


Cutting Edge:

A steeper angle will make the edge weaker while a bigger angle will make the edge stronger. A stronger edge will make cutting a difficult task. If the cutting edge is thin, then it will help with food prep tasks, but bad for harder tasks like splitting wood. So, make sure you are well aware of the tasks that you would need to carry out, while choosing the blade.


Steel of the blade:

The decision that which blade is better can be difficult because each blade material has its advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Stainless steel: can be made resistant to corrosion by adding high levels of chromium.
  2. Chromium can make the blade soft but making it corrosion resistant makes the blade last longer.
  3. Carbon steel: is a sturdy kind of blade due to the absence of chromium, but that can make the blade fall prey to corrosion.


The Material of the Handle:

The Grip of the knife must be stable and strong. For this, the knife’s handle must be made of material that provides good grip.  You also need to decide which of these other aspects are more important – shock absorption, durability or better looking.



Tang is the portion of the knife within the handle. If the knife has a fixed blade, then it is easy to use. The tang must also be long enough to make the knife sturdy.



Considering all the above factors, you will be able to take a decision about which blade is the best for your goal. Thus, even before considering these factors, make sure you are clear about what is the purpose of owning such a knife.


Written by Billy from Perkins Knives

Having been on the Perkin Knives team for several years as a marketing executive, Billy has been part of a great many top-of-the-line projects. Not only has he personally contributed to the service in every way, but he also happens to be one of the most revered members of Perkin Knives.

How to Pick the Best Bushcraft Knife

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