We live in uncertain times and with constant threats knocking at our doors. One day, we might live under Martial Law and although the use of Martial law should bring end to the scenario that imposed it, most of the times it will lead to further violence and chaos. The United States, like many other nations has a long history when it comes to Martial law and some fear it may soon be upon us. The current scenarios that foresee Martial law are all related to ISIS attacks that could happen on US soil. This is why you need to have a survival strategy for when Martial law hits.
What is martial law and when it is declared?
It is nothing more than the imposition of military rule and a takeover of the government over a specific region. Martial law is declared when there is an imminent threat to peace and order and it can be imposed in any of the following situations:
- Uncontrollable riots and protests (Muslims protests in France are a good example, it’s just a matter of time until it happens in the United States)
- Natural disasters that are too overwhelming for local authorities (Katrina is a good reminder of what nature can unleash)
- State of war
- Insurrection or rebellion
We value our liberty and freedom and we love our way of life. This is why for some of us being stripped of certain civil rights is unthinkable and we fear that giving absolute power to someone will lead to abuses against the general public. During Martial law everyone is expected to follow the rules, no question asked, it doesn’t matter if you think it’s right or wrong, you follow the orders. The military will not answer to people, they will be the law.
These are the rights that are suspended under martial law:
- Right of Information
- Right of Habeas Corpus
- Right to privacy
- Right to make choices
- Freedom of Expression
If you are prepared and organized you should be able to survive martial law without much distress. In order to avoid putting your family at great risk and survive these tough times, you should do the following:
Be self-reliant
Most preppers are already set to outlast any scenario that cuts them off from all the common supply lines. This is why it will be easier for them to survive when the government takes full control of everything (foods and supplies). You shouldn’t wait on the rationing done by the military and you should have your own supplies. Your supplies should last you for at least 30 days, but any prepper knows that it is ideal to have supplies that last for 12 months. Your food and water supplies will become propriety of the government under martial law.
Having a method to generate electricity is also ideal as you will be able to use it for many tasks (from cooking to charging your devices – UV water filters, lanterns, etc.). Try to get your hands on some portable generators, that are easy to carry and that don’t make noise, as you don’t want to attract unwanted attention. Bartering is also a good way to get what you need, stockpile on items that will give you the upper hand and increase your chances of survival. Bartering will assure your survival under martial law.
Have a bug-out bag ready
In some cases you will see the signs that alert you of martial law being imminent. And in times like these you have to take a decision, you either stay in and or you leave and go for a safer area. Some know that staying in highly populated areas is certain death and have an escape route planned out. If leaving your home is not a choice for you and your family, bugging in will be your last resort. Your bug-out bag should contain the following:
- Food and water for at least 72 hours
- A first aid kit
- Pieces of clothing for all types of weather
- A sturdy pair of boots
- Flashlight and batteries
- Cooking equipment
- Navigation equipment
- Protection items: handgun, melee type weapons, stun-gun, etc.
- Radio
Stay safe
During Martial law you need to avoid areas that are exposed to social revolts and danger. You have to protect your house with an alarm system, keep it locked and secure your proprieties. Keeping a low profile by following the rules is also a good idea, but you have to think before you do it. If someone tells you to jump off a cliff, will you do it? Think before you act and decided on an individual case by case basis before rebelling against the rules. Make sure you respect the curfew, but if you don’t, make sure you have all the means to protect yourself and survive what will unfold.
Tune in and listen during martial law!
During martial law, the media will be controlled by the federal government and in order to obtain valuable information you need to stay tuned to official broadcasts. You will be up to date with the imposed rules and you will be able to plan your next move. The rules will keep changing and you need to be aware of them in order to survive. You will also need to tap into a HAM radio to communicate with people that are off the grid, to get the “unofficial” information. It is better to know both sides of the story before you act, we are already enough bombarded with media propaganda, the last thing you need is to be misinformed during martial law. Information is key to survival when martial law is in effect and you need to know what happens around you.
Stay in shape, learn and improve your skills
This is a general rule for every prepper and it’s something that can prove useful in every crisis scenario, not only during martial law. Preparedness is nothing without knowledge and a good set of skills. You will run out of food and water, you will run out of guns and ammo, you will get hurt, then what? You need to know how to make or procure your own food, how to find and purify water, how to heal yourself and so on. These are the things that one should learn in advance and practice them with every occasion. Take some first aid courses, learn how to cook without modern means, how to hunt and fish, anything that you think, one day, may come in handy. Being able to survive on your own will also require a lot of effort, maybe you have to bug out and climbing is involved, or maybe you have to build a shelter or do home repairs, etc. All these activities will leave you weak and tired and you don’t need this during a crisis.
You should never be alone, you need friends
Desperate times will require teamwork and having an alliance can become crucial for surviving under martial law. You should build a support system with your friends and neighbors. You can help each other out and it will increase your chances of survival without getting into trouble. Before you build trustworthy relationships with your neighbors you should act carefully and be certain they share the same views as you do. You don’t need a “friend” that will report you for having a stockpile of food and guns, just to save his skin when martial law hits.
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This article was written by Bob Rodgers. You can visit his website at Prepper’s Will
Never gave this much thought as my situation makes it most likely I will shelter in place. But this is good information to know regardless – thanks!