Have you ever heard of the Doomsday Clock? It’s a representative expression of how close the world is to Armageddon. The clock doesn’t subscribe to your typical twelve-hour day — instead, top scientists determine its movement. The closer to midnight it gets, the closer we are to…doomsday. It turns out that old Iron Maiden song “Two Minutes to Midnight” wasn’t just about being at a house party at 11:58 — parties tend to run later than that when you’re a rock star. You may want to cue up the tune, though, because according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, we’re thirty seconds to show time.
Two minutes and thirty seconds is all the Bulletin says we’ve got. While it might be the longest two minutes and thirty seconds of your life, it might not be. That’s why you’ve got to be prepared, and these ten best garage items are essentials that you should have in your prepper’s garage survival kit:
10 Items You May Find in a Prepper’s Garage
(click on the photos for more information)
It’s difficult to think of a more useful all-purpose tool than a good knife. While some people prefer the folding type, a fixed-blade knife with a sheath offers a good combination of portability and practicality. Knives can be used to prepare and eat food, open supplies, craft tools and even in defense if necessary.
Our fragile power grid has become something of a choice target for would-be attackers. If it should come to a scenario where you need to rely on supplies, there’s a chance you won’t be able to call on outlet power. A quality generator will ensure you have the juice needed to run other tools.
Bug-Out Car
Survival scenarios tend to fall into “bug-out” and “bug-in” categories. These play out about how they sound. In a bug-out scenario, you’ve got to find shelter somewhere else. A bug-out car is a vehicle that has been modified to be practical in a survival situation. For example, a converted van that you could sleep in if need be. Even in a bug-in scenario, a sturdy vehicle will come in handy.
Air Compressor
Your bug-out car is going to need an in-tact set of tires. Relying on the air that’s in them will get you so far, but if things play out in a long-term fashion, you’ll want to have access to compressed air for this and several other reasons. For extra points, locate a set of pneumatic tools — survival workshop acquired!
Bug-Out Kit
This is the stash of food supplies, first-aid, water and clothing that comes with you in the bug-out car. You’ll want a sturdy container for everything that’s easy to travel with and water-tight. Food items should not be of the perishable sort.
This is another tool that can become impractical if you need portability, but it doesn’t have to be. You can easily equip your garage with a quality long-range radio for bug-in situations and throw some shorter-range radios into your bug-out kit. Now you’re prepared for anything, and more importantly, you’ve got a means to locate other survivors.
Tomahawk or Machete
Knives are great, but they can’t exactly handle big jobs. A tomahawk or machete will allow you to clear brush, and it also makes an effective tool for simple carpentry, particularly the tomahawk with its flat backside. Also, they’re more effective for self-defense than a knife.
Water Filter
You’re not going to make it very long without clean water to drink. Similar to the radio, this is an item you can outfit your garage with and also have in your bug-out kit. Not only do you need clean water to drink, but you’ll also need it for cooking simple provisions in boiling water. This is an absolute essential.
Indoor Portable Propane Heater
A dutiful Prepper will have an emergency heat source in storage. An offgrid way to keep warm is not something most people think about, but if there is a power outage in the winter they’ll wish they had.
Bolt Cutters
There’s a reason these are called “the key to the city.” Bolt cutters can get through just about any lock, and that might be something you need to do very badly in a survival situation. Keep a short pair in your bug-out kit and outfit your garage with a full-size set.
There are many more items you can add to this list. These are simply the ones we recommend adding to your supplies. Of course, you’ll need to have the basics like a food stash and first-aid supplies, but if you’ve already got those squared away, this list makes a good place to start in building a usable survival package.
Guest Post: Bobbi at Living Life Green
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