This article is part of a new series called Interviewing Preppers. The idea is to shed some light on the different styles of prepping. Just as no two people would define success the same way, no two preppers would define their method of prepping the same way. In each interview, I ask the spotlighted prepper seven questions regarding their journey, goals, and how they’re connected to the preparedness community.
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Morgan, many people know me by ‘Rogue’. I’ve been prepping for about 10 years now. The name of my brand is Rogue Preparedness, I share tips on how to be prepared for the modern person on my blog, YouTube, Podcast, Instagram, and Facebook. I also have a Pinterest which I’m just starting to get into. I officially started my brand under the name ‘Armed Rogue’ in 2015 and I changed directions a bit in my brand so my name changed to Rogue Preparedness in 2018. I reside in Texas.
2. What’s one preparedness goal you are currently working on?
I’m working on being more self-reliant; learning about how to go completely off-grid if need be. We rely on so many things that connect to electricity and when the electricity goes out; what then? I’m prepared for a power outage for a certain period of time, but I’m working on ways to cool and warm my home without electricity. People lived without electricity for a loooooong time, so I’m pretty confident I can learn the skills necessary.
3. Do you have a system for organizing your preps and update your bug out bag with new food and gear?
I use two things:
For long-term reminders, like updating my bug out bag every 3 months, I set a reminder in my reminder app on my phone.
For shorter term goals, I set everything up in my preparedness planner.
I use both my planner and my reminder app every single day.
4. Do you purchase preparedness items monthly, quarterly, or yearly? How do you allocate money for preparedness supplies?
I usually buy monthly and weekly. I’ll buy food and water during our weekly grocery shopping trips and then I’ll buy other supplies that we need, monthly. I decide what we need based on the help from my preparedness planner goal setting.
5. What are the top 3 preparedness items you like to take with you when you travel?
Firestarter, water purifier, and comfortable shoes.
6. Tell us about one event in your life that has played a role in you becoming a prepper.
Zombies! As cliché as that might sound, a zombie apocalypse is pretty scary; if you’re prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you’re prepared for anything, right? My husband and his friends would sit around and talk about what they would do in case of a zombie apocalypse and when I came along, we began talking about it. It wasn’t the first thing that made me want to get prepared, but it was the thing that made me want to get super, uber prepared.
7. I’m a fan of your YouTube Channel. You are so candid, entertaining, and raw. What inspired you to start making videos? What made you decide to turn your prepping hobby into a business?
Thank you very much! I wanted to do something different, so I decided to start a YouTube channel where I would post a video every single day and do something prepper related. It was a rocky start at first, but then as I gained a following and they started to challenge me, I really got into my groove and began to really challenge myself and my preparedness. I think there’s so much false information out there about prepping and that’s where being a ‘rogue’ comes in; I just want to get people thinking outside the box to be as best prepared as they can be.
Check out some of her other informative videos here and don’t forget to subscribe!
If you have any questions for Morgan at Rogue Preparedness add them in the comments below!
Just to clarify the zombie reference, you’re planning for a worldwide pandemic?
Not on a global scale, but the probability of a wide-spread pandemic is very real. Zombies it just what peeked my interest into getting involved in the prepper community.