Riots and civil unrest are no longer something you see in the movies. They are more common than ever, and large cities can come under siege at any time. Political unrest may enrage the crowds, while racial issues can also push them to the edge. Things are even riskier in pandemic times when thousands have lost their jobs and struggle with financial stress.
When a riot breaks out near you, survival should be your top priority because it is hard to escape. Although you cannot be too prepared for unexpected incidents, it is vital to use common sense when facing one. Here are some valuable pieces of advice that can help you when violence is threatening your city.
How To Deal With Riots
Stay home when possible!
Your first instinct when something goes wrong is to be with your family and ensure their safety. If you are at work or in the market, try to reach home as quickly as possible. Choose the safest route and try to find someone who can accompany you. Home is the safest place when things aren’t peaceful outside. Since businesses will probably close, your employers will not have any problems with people staying at home. Companies are getting more comfortable with the remote work concept in the pandemic era. You can discuss the option with your employer, at least till the situation is under control. Leave the house only when absolutely necessary, mainly if you live in a vulnerable area.
Stock up on essentials!
The pandemic lockdowns have already created awareness about having emergency supplies stored in your home. The first thing you need to do is to stock up on essentials. It becomes even more critical when there are riots in your city because stepping out can endanger your life. Ensure that you minimize outings for groceries, medical supplies, cleaning essentials, fuel, and anything else you need. Ordering online may not always be available. In case stores aren’t delivering in your area, commute to the nearest safe option and shop in bulk. Have a checklist ready so that you don’t miss out on anything and shop for several weeks.
Go the extra mile with home security!
When violence and riots are rampant outside, you must fortify your home with proper security measures. Even the basics home defense ideas can take you a long way to safeguard your living space and family. Keep the windows and doors locked up at all times. Check each of them and ensure that they are solid and sturdy. Consider a DIY job if something doesn’t look good enough to prevent break-ins. Even as you fortify your place, ensure that you have an exit option if you need to evacuate.
Have a weapon ready
When it comes to the safety of your family, nothing else matters. You should be ready to protect them, even if it means that you have to use a weapon. If you live in a riot-prone area, investing in a licensed firearm for safety makes sense. You must also stock up on the Gun Accessories and ammunition you may need in an emergency. Training and practice with the weapon can provide you confidence if you have to use it in a critical situation. Those who do not own a firearm must look for makeshift weapons they can use in dire circumstances. Look around for anything that can evade danger- knives, baseball bats, pepper spray, and even pepper can help you get out of a sticky situation.
Stay informed at all times
When a city is under fire, situations change every minute. A small demonstration in one area can spread like wildfire and engulf the entire city within hours. Staying informed keeps you ready for the danger, and you can plan your next steps before the rioters reach your area. Stay tuned to the local news broadcasts on radio and TV. You can access the internet for updates and advisory by the authorities. It is equally important to stay connected with friends and family in the city and outside. They can have valuable information if things aren’t working at your end. Stay in touch with the neighbors too, and support each other through the tough time.
Keep a low profile
It is best to maintain a low profile when things aren’t peaceful in the city. You may have some political, racial, or religious beliefs, but this may not be the best time to showcase them. If you have a sticker or banner sharing your views or beliefs outside your house or on your car, remove them right away. Avoid talking strongly about your sentiments with anyone, even colleagues and neighbors. It is best to stay away from the heat when the situation is volatile or stressful. Common sense says that you should remain quiet and be safe.
Have an exit plan
Even as your home is the safest place, you cannot be too rigid about staying in when things are out of control. Be prepared to bug out and have an exit plan when it is the last option. It makes sense to get out of a burning city when you have kids and the elderly to look after. Decide the right time to get out rather than doing it on impulse. Discuss an evacuation plan with neighbors or friends who also want to get out. It is best to travel with the company and have everything you will need on the way, right from fuel to food, water, medicines, and weapons.
It is easy to panic when there are riots in your city, but a calm and collected approach can be a lifesaver. Prioritize the safety of your family, and take the right steps at the right time. Stay in till you are safe there, but don’t hesitate to leave when it is a matter of life and death.
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No REAL prepper would be living in a city, especially a mega city, thats for the sheeple.