Are you at risk? Accidental shootings occur and are unfortunate. And they come with deadly consequences. Of the near 40,000 deaths that have occurred in the previous year, about 500 of these deaths were due to accidental shootings. Owning a firearm for the purpose of hunting, target shooting, and even self-defense is good to have. But accidental shootings can happen. And it’s due to the five reasons will be listed below here shortly. We’ll also be talking about how you can prevent these accidental shootings in the future with a few tips on gun safety. Since 2000, accidental shootings have declined. But unfortunately, they still happen even today. In order to keep it to a minimum (or zero), it’s important to practice gun safety no matter if the gun is loaded or unloaded.
Now, let’s get to the five reasons why accidental shootings occur:
1. Firearms Are Within The Reach Of Children
Unfortunately, a majority of the accidental shooting injuries and deaths involve young children. The chief reason being that the firearm is easily accessible and within reach of a child. Children will often have a stroke of curiosity about what’s inside their parents dresser drawers. Sometimes, a firearm can lay out in plain sight on a kitchen table or an end table. Either way, they are both low enough for a small child to reach up and grab something. Especially a firearm. So many states have made improper gun storage a crime!
2. Handling The Weapon While Under The Influence Of Drugs And Alcohol
Even adults can be careless with firearms. Especially if they are heavily under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Either way, they impair their judgment and often times lead them to do things that might not make them consciously aware of doing. This can result in the gun accidentally going off and therefore shooting themselves or someone who might be in the way.
3. Accidental Drops
Yes, a firearm can accidentally go off if it somehow hits the floor or ground. This can be due to poor handling the firearm be it a pistol, rifle, or shotgun. These types of drops can happen in both indoor and outdoor environments. But the dangers often remain the same.
4. Shooter Inexperience
This often occurs in hunting settings and during shooting practice. Someone who has little to no experience firing specific firearms and scopes might be a safety risk to themselves and even others around them when they don’t factor in their surroundings. Those who have never used a gun before won’t know how to handle it properly, nor would they have the knowledge that applies to gun safety.
5. Failing To Clean Or Check Your Firearm
This is also a reason why accidental shootings occur. Especially if you’re trying to clean your firearm or trying to install an accessory. A dirty firearm that never gets cleaned will often lead to jamming and reliability issues. But worst of all, it might lead to misfiring and can lead to accidental injury or death.
Gun Safety Tips
The following are gun safety tips that you MUST practice every single day. Especially if you own one or more multiple firearms. Failing to follow these safety tips will not only lead to serious injury or death but in some cases, it can lead you to face a whole lot of legal trouble. It is imperative that you consider the following tips not just for your own safety, but for the safety of your family as well:
Always Treat Every Gun As If It Were Loaded
This has long been the number one rule on gun safety. Even if it’s completely empty, it is always important to handle the firearm properly as if it were loaded. This means handling it where the muzzle is pointing on the ground. Alternatively, the muzzle can be pointed upward and away from you or anyone nearby you (see cradle carry). You must never point the muzzle at anyone around you.
Never Use Your Firearm While Under The Influence Of Alcohol Or Drugs
If you know that you’ll be using a firearm, it’s better to stay clear of alcohol and even some legal drugs that might be susceptible to impairing your judgment and abilities. Likewise, if you plan on doing outdoor activities that involve the consumption of alcohol, it would be wise to leave the firearms at home.
Always Keep A Firearm Out Of The Reach Of Children
Since a lot of accidental shooting deaths involve children, you really need to abide by this tip. You must lock your firearms in either a security box or a gun cabinet (depending on the kinds of firearms you have). Both will be equipped with secure locks and will have a key. Only you should have this key in your possession. Always carry it with you at all times no matter where you go. If you need to store the key elsewhere, store it in a safe place where no child can reach for it. As an added layer of protection, you should not leave the key in plain sight. Children can get creative when it comes to their attempts to gain access to something.
Learn How To Use A Firearm Properly
If you’re an inexperienced shooter or have never used a firearm before, it’s important to find a course that will teach you how to properly handle and use one. First-time hunters will often undergo a hunter safety course. And gun safety is a vital part of the curriculum. Pay close attention to the instructors. Always ask questions if you have any concerns or if you’re looking for any additional information. Remember, it’s good to be in the know about using firearms and being safe with them than never at all.
Keep Your Firearm Secure In Your Holster
If you have a pistol, it is better to make sure you have it secure in your holster at all times while you’re not using it. Failure to secure your pistol can lead to it slipping out and hitting the floor or ground. A hard enough impact can cause the pistol to discharge and cause an accidental shooting.
Accidental shootings can be prevented. And in turn, it can prevent serious injury or death. Do your part to keep the statistics of accidental gun shooting to the lowest number possible. It all starts with knowing the dangers of why accidental shootings occur and the kinds of safety measures that you need to take in order to keep yourself and the people around you safe.
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6. Over familiarity by Mr Average user, whereby the gun owner becomes deluded into believing that they really are the master of their firearm and therefore adopt too casual an approach to what had previously been a more rigid firearms safety regime. “Trust me I know what I am doing”! If you hear yourself saying this when handling a firearm you need to recognize that you are heading for disaster. Regards.